Crispy Wafers Toffee

Wafer with toffee flavored cream, decorated with peanuts and coating. Ideal for a delightful snack any time of the day! 220 g

Crispy Wafers Nutty

Wafer with nutty cream, decorated with peanuts and coating. Perfect for a small indulgence during the day! 220 g

Crispy Cones Advocat

Crispy wafer filled with advocat flavored cream filling and milk chocolate. This treat offers an exquisite fusion of tastes and textures, making every bite an indulgent experience.

Crispy Cones Vanilla

Crispy wafer filled with a creamy vanilla flavored filling and milk chocolate. It promises a tantalizing blend of flavors and textures in every nibble.

Crispy Cones Toffee

Crispy wafer filled with creamy toffee flavored filling and milk chocolate. It’s a delectable fusion that promises a taste adventure in every bite.


Coated shortcrust pastry cupcakes, filled with nutty cream, decorated with peanuts. Ideal for a satisfying and indulgent snack! 200 g

Crispy Balls Coconut

Coated wafer ball filled with coconut cream, lightly covered with coconut flakes. A tropical treat that’s a textured temptation in every bite! 200 g

Crispy Balls Nutty

Coated wafer ball filled with nut cream, lightly covered with peanuts. A dance of textures and flavors, it’s a bite-sized delight designed to mesmerize your taste buds! 200 g

Crispy Rolls Advocat

Coated wafer roll filled with advocat flavored cream. A sophisticated indulgence that’s irresistibly smooth and delightful with every bite. 280 g

Crispy Rolls Coconut

Coated wafer roll filled with coconut cream, lightly covered with coconut shavings. A tropical twist that promises a cascade of flavors and textures in every bite. 300 g

Crispy Rolls Toffee

Coated wafer rolls filled with toffee flavored cream and decorated with peanuts. A delightful fusion where sweetness meets nutty, bite after splendid bite. 300 g

Crispy Bars

Wafer with nutty cream and toffee flavored cream decorated with peanuts. Perfect for any time you crave a delicious snack.

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